There is, and always have been, objections to believing in the existence of a good and holy God, and that is true of the God Christians worship. Many of our neighbours, and even some of our number, stumble at some fundamental questions – road blocks to belief and faith.

Our new sermon series will tackle some classic questions still relevant today and attempt to make a clearer path to trust in God; questions such as:

“Suffering exists, so how can I believe in a good God?”

“Aren’t science and faith incompatible?”

“The Church has committed terrible crimes, how can I believe in its God?”

Two helpful books for those who wish to go further in these topics are: Making Sense of God by Tim Keller and God of All Comfort by Scott Harrower. Steve Webster will preach this series and offer some opportunities for questions and discussion.

10.11.19 | #1 How could a good God allow suffering? | Steve Webster

Sermon audio | text

17.11.19 | #2 Aren’t Science and Faith Incompatible? | Steve Webster

Sermon audio | text

24.11.19 | #3 How Can We Trust the Church’s Leaders Now? | Steve Webster

Sermon audio | text



More to come…