Prunus dulcis

Almond trees are covered in soft pink blossoms in early spring and grow well in a mediterranean climate. In Judaism the almond flower is a sign of hope and renewal as it is the first tree in spring to flower. The almond is technically a drupe; a stone fruit but in this case the fleshy covering only lasts briefly. The young fruit dry off and split open to reveal the kernel or nut. It was valued as a food source and was eaten by people of all classes.  

While in the desert Moses stabilized the discontent over his and Aaron’s leadership by following God’s instruction as to how to settle the issue. In Numbers chapters 17 and 18  the leaders of the 12 ancestral houses each placed a staff in the Tent of Meeting.It was Aaron’s  rod that produced buds, flowers and almonds thus establishing  Aaron and the house of Levi as the priestly class as ordained by God.The instructions given to construct the lampstand specify a central stem and 3 branches on each side all topped with the almond bud,cup and flower motif. The symbol of the 7 branched lampstand is the menorah, the oldest recognised symbol of Judaism. It is said to be a symbol of God’s providence and enlightenment. of hope and renewal.

See, Exodus 25:31-36; 37:17-20; Numbers 17, 18;  Ecclesiastes 12:5.

When Moses went into the tent of the covenant on the next day, the staff of Aaron of the house of Levi had sprouted. It put forth buds, produced blossoms, and bore ripe almonds.

Numbers 17:8


Hope and renewal. Through the millenia, the children of Israel have suffered nation threatening, transportations, annihilations and invasions by foreign powers. In more recent times, the pogroms and discriminations in the middle ages and the  haulocast of the mid 20th century yet they continue in their faithfulness and trust in the Lord God’s mercy and promises.

Individuals, communities, nations and the entire planet can at times experience deep anguish over the loss of control ro manage/mitigate  the things that can make life seem unbearable. However, like the almond tree coming into bloom in the late winter/early spring there is hope and renewal. We have all experienced dark times; the bleakness, the despair. As the old spiritual song goes, ‘My troubles are many, they’re as deep as a well. I can swear there ‘aint no heaven, and hope there ‘aint no hell.’  However at the core of the Christian Gospel there is that sure and certain hope that in Christ, there is renewal which begins with the knowledge of God’s love for all humanity, and the gift of reconciliation with God and with one another. The troubles may not vanish but they will never need to be carried alone.



